Make easy money with Flipkart App

Flipkart is an online shopping site, which is one of the best in India. If you are from India, then I am sure you know about Flipkart very well. You might have used Flipkart to buy stuffs online but do you know that there is an easy way to make money with Flipkart App?

Download FlipKart App Now and Start Making Money

I am making good amount daily by just sharing app link with others. Here is my daily earning status:

Date Device OS Type of Install Number of Installs Commission per Install (Rs.) Total Commission (Rs.)
10-05-2015 Android DIRECT 14 22 308.00
11-05-2015 Android DIRECT 6 22 132.00
12-05-2015 Android DIRECT 7 22 154.00
13-05-2015 Android DIRECT 13 22 286.00

How much money can you make with each app installation depends on types of device OS. Here is the commission table for the same(Android app install commission increased):


Also Read: Android Apps Which Pay You Real Money And Rewards

Fallback installs are the ones wherein, if a user clicks on any affiliate product/offer url on mobile device (not having the Flipkart app), ends up installing the App.

Direct installs are the ones wherein partners use the affiliate url for the Direct Install (CPI) campaign to drive Flipkart app installs through media inventory.

How can you make easy money with Flipkart App?

It is easy and require very little effort. Just follow these 5 simple steps and start making money:

Step 1: Register as an affiliate at FlipKart Affliate Program

Step 2: Once you have registered, go to Home and create your Flipkart App install campaign link.

Step 3: Share your app affiliate link with your friends and family members. Remember each app install gives you upto Rs. 60, also for each purchase made by your referral can earn you 20% commission. 

Step 4: Share app link on social media and other forums.

Step 5: Download Flipkart App yourself and start using it. You can write tips about using this APP on forums and can include your affiliate link to post.

Also Read: Apple iOS apps which pay real money

If you have any suggestions then, make use of comment section.

2 thoughts on “Make easy money with Flipkart App

    1. There is no limit, you can share your referral app link with n number of friends/relatives/others.For each app download completed using your link can make you minimum 25 rs.

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