Best Online Earning Sites / Earning Tips and Tricks

Android Apps Which Pay You Real Money And Rewards

Make money using smartphone

These days many of us have smart phone, we play games, watch videos, etc. using our phone. Did you ever think that you can make money using your phone? I have been using smart phone since last 5-7 years but never thought that I would be making money with it by doing things which I normally do on my phone.  I won’t say that you’ll earn thousands of dollars with your smart phone but yes, you can earn at-least amount, which can pay your monthly phone bill. There are few android apps, which pay you for completing small tasks, offers, surveys, watching videos, etc.  I am listing few of
Earning Tips and Tricks / Wordpress

Create Free Blog and Earn Money

Make money through blogging As this post heading suggests, I am going to write about how a free blog can be set up and how can it be used to earn money without any investment? I have seen the importance of blog, so I thought of writing about it, which can help people like you and me around the world. I would like to tell everyone that since I have created my own blog, I have been making five times more money than I used to earn by working online. OK, so here comes the first question – How to create a blog? These days it is very easy to have own blog

Google Adsense / Wordpress

How to get google adsense account approval


Overnight Delivery Ambien Online These days it is very difficult to get adsense account approval. There are many reasons for adsense application rejection like blog doesn’t have enough posts or contents are not relevant, etc. Before, you submit an application for an adsense account, there are some prerequisites, which should be completed else there is high probability that your application would get rejected. I have listed all steps below which you need to complete before you apply for adsense account. 10 Must Do Steps To Get Google Adsense Account Approval How to get google adsense account approval – Steps to follow 1. Create a blog: Without a blog or
Guide and Reviews

Review – SurveyJunkie – Scam or Legit?


If you are reading this post that means you are interested in knowing about ‘Survey Junkie’ before registering on this site. You might be trying to find out if this is another scheme, which is trying to get sign-up to a website which looks promising. SurveyJunkie Scam Or Legit? First thing to note is that ‘Survey Junkie’ only accepts USA or some other selected countries’ zip codes. Once you have registered, it will again ask you to join few other survey sites.  It means, before you could complete your registration on this site, it has already started giving your information to other companies/sites.  “Survey Junkie”
Amazon - MTurk / Earning Tips and Tricks

How to get automated notification for new mturk hits

MTURK - Amazon WorkPlace Mtruk or Amazon Mechanical Turk is the best site to work online from home. I have been working from home on this website since last three years. I have earned around $3,500 by doing simple tasks like surveys, testing, etc. However, it might not be a very big amount, but it is worth because on average, I work only two hours a day.  If you work on this site, then you might have noticed that there are many requester whose hits are always in demand. Whenever their hits come online, many workers start working on those hits. You get a very
Earning Tips and Tricks

Money making forum list 2015

Work from home forum list

Online community forums are good way to communicate with real people, who are making good money by working from home. Many people share their success stories on these forums. They also share tips and tricks to work online. There are many forums where employers recruit members of forums for small online jobs. There are two types of forums available: Ad friendly forums Work At Home forums Also Read: BEST GET PAID TO SITES WITH LOW MINIMUM PAYOUT 2015 Ad friendly forums mean, you have a section where you can post advertising for free, also if you are the first member
Best Online Earning Sites / Trusted Sites

Best Get Paid to Sites With Low Minimum Payout 2015

Swag Bucks What is get paid to site(GPT)? GPT is a site which pays their members for working on small tasks or offers like taking free survey etc. Are GPT sites legit? Most of these sites pay their members 70-75% of amount they receive from their advertisers so they are already making profit with every task or offer a member is completing, this is the reason that most of the GPT sites are legit and paying their members on time. What are the best GPT sites out there? I am listing few of these GPT sites on which I have worked and received
Earning Tips and Tricks / Guide and Reviews

Make easy money with Flipkart App

How-To-Earn-Money-Online Flipkart is an online shopping site, which is one of the best in India. If you are from India, then I am sure you know about Flipkart very well. You might have used Flipkart to buy stuffs online but do you know that there is an easy way to make money with Flipkart App? Download FlipKart App Now and Start Making Money I am making good amount daily by just sharing app link with others. Here is my daily earning status: Date Device OS Type of Install Number of Installs Commission per Install (Rs.) Total Commission (Rs.) 10-05-2015 Android DIRECT 14

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Earning Tips and Tricks

Apple iOS apps which pay real money


Similar to android apps, there are many Apple iOS apps which pay real money and rewards for completing small tasks on your apple phone. You might not make hundreds of dollars but you will make enough to pay your iPhone bills. These apps pay for doing tasks like watching trailers, completing some simple surveys, downloading and testing some other apps, taking photos, etc. I have listed best and reliable iOS apps where you can make some extra bucks while using your phone. 5 best Apple iOS apps which pay real money and rewards Also Read: Make easy money with Flipkart App
Google Adsense

Maximum adsense ad units allowed on single web page

adsense - Create Free Blog and Earn Money

Zolpidem Online Overnight Delivery Adsense is far better contextual high paying ad network. If you are still struggling for your adsense account approval then I would suggest to have a look on my other post How to get google adsense account approval. Google Adsense offer different types of ads and they are mostly categorize in following format: Adsense content unit Adsense link unit Adsense for search unit Maximum AdSense ad units allowed on single web page You can have maximum 3 content units, 3 link units and 2 search units on a page. Adsense content unit: Just remember that, you can place maximum of 3 content units on